Eric Zhao Professional Corporations Blog

Eric Zhao Professional Corporations is pleased to provide a variety of resources on accounting, bookkeeping taxation, and other related subjects that we hope will be helpful to both individuals and businesses.

If you have any questions, simply contact us by email or call 403-402-2677 . We will be happy to meet with you for a free, no-obligation consultation.

Should I be a Personal Services Business (PSB)?


In Canada, a Personal Services Business (PSB) is a type of business that the Canada Revenue Agency (CRA) designates under certain conditions. The rules governing PSBs are stringent, and the tax treatment of a PSB is less favorable compared to other types of corporations. Here’s an overview of what constitutes a PSB and its implications:

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Eric Zhao Professional Corporation

1200 1015 4 ST SW
Calgary, AB T2R 1J4

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