Our team

Ramesh Gupta
Ramesh GuptaCPA,CA,CGA ,MBA
Licensed Public Accountant
Has more than 45 years of work experience. This includes working for large global conglomerate in managerial positions in USA, Canada and India as wells as a practicing CPA in Canada. He has also been a former Tax Auditor of Canada Revenue Agency for Income Tax and GST compliances and audits.
Syed A Raza
Syed A. Raza CPA,CGA,MBA
Licensed Public Accountant
Has more than twenty years experience as licensed public accountant. Specializes in assurance engagements (audit, review and compilation) and taxation services for physician, lawyer, wholesale business owner, restaurateur, non-profit organization, IT consultants etc.
Emily LuCPA
Has more than ten years of corporate and public accounting experience.
Evelyn GongCPA
Has more than fifteen years of corporate and public accounting experience.
Lily ZhangCPA
Has more than five years experience in public accounting

Contact Us


Ramesh Gupta CPA
Professional Corporation
9889 Markham Road, Unit #203
Markham, ON  L6E 0B7