Audits, Reviews & Compilations

The services an accounting firm provides for a specific client are known as "engagements." The firm can offer the following types of engagements:

✓  Audit Engagements

✓  Review Engagements

✓  Compilation Engagements

Audit Engagements

In an audit engagement, the accounting firm carefully examines the client’s financial statements to provide an objective opinion on their accuracy and fairness.

Canadian federal and provincial laws as well as some stakeholders mandate that certain corporations prepare annual financial statements for audit by qualified independent auditors. Once audited, these statements serve as the official documents for reporting to shareholders, bankers, creditors, and the government.

Please contact us if you have questions about which type of report is right for you or complete the form for a Free Consultation.

Review Engagements

The purpose of a review engagement is to assess and review the client's financial statements to determine whether they are reasonable and credible.

In other words, the firm ensures that the documents are not misleading.

If everything is in order, the firm will attach its standard review report to the client's financial statements. Certain stakeholders require you to provide a Review Engagement Report instead of Audit Engagement Report.

Please contact us if you have questions about which type of report is right for you or complete the form for a Free Consultation.

Compilation Engagements

In a compilation engagement, the firm organizes unaudited financial information into financial statements, schedules, or reports based on the data provided by the client.

This type of engagement is most appropriate when the client understands that the resulting statements do not provide any assurance regarding the reliability of the compiled information. To inform readers of this lack of assurance, the firm includes a “Notice to Reader,” stating that no review was conducted and the information may not be suitable for the reader's use.

The reports generated in a compilation engagement are intended solely for the company’s management or for income tax purposes.

Please contact us if you have questions about which type of report is right for you or complete the form for a Free Consultation.

Contact Us


Ramesh Gupta CPA
Professional Corporation
9889 Markham Road, Unit #203
Markham, ON  L6E 0B7