Business Start-Up

Our firm can advise you in the most appropriate way to structure your business to meet your tax, accounting, and financial goals.

We have the experience to provide sound advice and support for you as you work through the steps.

What Business Structure is Right for You?


We can advise you on the most appropriate way to structure your business to meet your income tax, accounting, and business requirements.

We have the experience to provide sound advice and support for you as you work through the steps. Some of the tasks and considerations of starting your own business include:

  • Decide whether to incorporate, operate as a proprietorship, or partnership
  • Business plan development
  • Determine the level of financing needed
  • Applying for a loan or credit facility
  • Find a lawyer
  • Set up a Canada Revenue Agency business number
  • Open a payroll account with CRA
  • Set up in house bookkeeping and payroll methods
  • Obtain insurance coverage
  • Obtain a business license
  • Decide whether you should take a salary or dividends
  • Tax advice on your individual tax position

The list goes on...We can help!



Contact Us


Ramesh Gupta CPA
Professional Corporation
9889 Markham Road, Unit #203
Markham, ON  L6E 0B7